The struggles of potty training


when you become a parent every one is real quick to tell you about how hard the sleepless nights are and the tantrums in the middle of tesco's that mortify you, and ALLLL those nappies and dirty washing you have to do. but no one tells you how hard potty training is.

Now i've been lucky, i guess parenting came easy to me and yeah i have those days where i cant wait till bedtime but we all have those, i mean i've never really struggled, and i feel incredibly lucky to be able to say that as i know some mums do struggle because they don't have the support network i'm lucky enough to have. BUT with all that being said one thing is battling me and winning... Potty training! 

now before anyone says anything, yes i know every child is different and will do it in their own time, but mason is 3 next month and is the size of a 4 year old and is starting to refuse to be changed and he kicks hard so we have been trying to get him out of nappies. 

so why am i finding it so hard...  mason occasionally uses the potty at nursery, which is great [dont ask me how they get him to do it but fair dos to them] but he doesn't really want to use it at home. ive brought 4 different types of potty's all of his choice, still "don't like em".  when he does decide to use one, he has to be naked.. not much help when your out, society doesn't allow you to walk the streets in the  nude so thats no help! We have brought packets and packets of pants, peppa pig, spider man, football ones, Thomas ones, still doesn't accept the fact he cant do his business in them! we had accidents on the floor, in his clothes in the bath, everywhere. 

I get a lot of mums will say he will do it when hes ready but here's what i was thinking, if he can tell me he needs a wee when hes naked then he knows what he has to do but hes choosing not to do it. he moving to the next class up in nursery soon so im guessing hes going to be seeing the older kids use the toilet more, but this is the one thing i feel has defeated me. why cant i teach him it? and why isnt a breeze like everything else? 

sometimes i wish there was someone you could employ to do this stuff! 

do any mums or dads have any tips on potty training, when did you start ? how did you do it ? WHAT ARE YOUR SECRETS!!! id love to know! 

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